Refund Policy

At InternationalJoyFlix, we strive to ensure your satisfaction and aim to provide you with the best experience possible.

Refund Policy for Digital Virtual Products

Since our product is a digital virtual video, we do not support refunds once the video is completed. However, if you are unhappy with the video, we offer the following options:

Actor-Related Issues:

If there are problems related to the actor, such as:

  • Incorrectly reading the script
  • Not using the specified music, birthday song, or Christmas song you purchased
  • Not kissing the photo as requested

These are considered actor-related issues. We will happily reshoot the video for you free of charge. Simply contact our customer support within 7 days of purchase, and we will help make the necessary adjustments or create a new video that meets your expectations. The redo service is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Your Issues:

If you are personally dissatisfied with the video upon completion and need to change any aspect of the order (such as team, music, or text), we offer a half-price after-sales service. Since actors complete videos based on the order details and incur charges for each new video they shoot, if you want to change any part of the order after the video is completed, our website will cover half of the cost. You only need to pay half the original price to get a new video. Contact our customer support within 7 days of purchase for this half-price reshoot service, which is available only once.

Our Commitment

Our staff takes each video seriously and is passionate about their work. At InternationalJoyFlix, your satisfaction is our top priority. We value your trust and are committed to providing high-quality, memorable experiences that meet your expectations.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Thank you for choosing InternationalJoyFlix!

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